Thursday, June 19, 2008

Of people and their opinions

You see someone who you know you're never going to see again still you make an opinion about that person. You meet someone for the first time and the first thing you do is make an opinion about him (don't deny it, you know you do it). You spend some time with that person you still have an opinion about him (it might be for the better or worse). You love someone still you can't convince yourself not to make an opinion about the loved one.

We all (I being no exception) tend to visualize what the person's life is and what he is like in life, no matter who he is, where you see or meet him, how long have you been with him, how much you know him.

Who are we to make judgments? Who are we to assume their whole background, life, habits? Why do we care? Is it human nature, maybe?

Making an opinion is one thing, but are we allowed to impose it on others? Can we tell a third party how the second party is, based on our mere opinions? Are we allowed to do that? Maybe not?

Then why people all around you want their thoughts to be accepted all around them? Why do people not respect other's opinion? Why do they assume that their assumptions are always right? Why do they want to shut their ears when the view point differs from their's?

I'm a little fed up of the questions. Guess I require a good night's sleep before I can wake up at 5 tomorrow. After all, in everybody's opinion it's a job I can't screw up! I've to play by the rule and live up to that opinion. Right? Maybe?

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