Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Of a stretch of a day

I have been doing work since morning, without any breaks (‘cause I din feel like lunch). And to do that work was not any easy task at all. Yes, there’s a script I can refer to but ladies and gentlemen it gets monotonous and the feeling of I-know-how-to-do-this-I-don’t-need-script overtakes your mind to an extent that the pressure is ALL on your brain. So, what happens when u put so much pressure on a poor little soul who slept a little late due to a technological invention of a device which has made the world to move at the speed of light or sound maybe, computer and woke up really early to catch the first bus that comes to the bus stop? I made a mistake! I have no idea how to rectify it, so waiting for my never-to-be-seen boss to appear in the office. Hopefully the mistake won’t be too huge and he won’t scold me or make faces or abuse or give me the look like hiring me was the biggeset mistake of his life, like "some" other bosses do!

Is it too unhealthy to complain about your work or at least think ‘it’s a pain’ everyday (when you’ve already taken a week off in one month one week and one day since job started)? I try not to but the distance, the waking up early, the same-job scope-everyday, the same-boring-faces of bosses, the same-canteen-with-two-stalls (though I pray everyday that Today miraculously there will be one more stall or that Maybe there’re selling something I’d enjoy), the same-working hours and the same temperature of the Air Con (it gets so cold that my nails turn blue), make it really hard for me to even remotely love coming to office. The work I do, however, is mostly want I always wished to do, but I think I am not ready for working lifestyle as yet and you know what? I’m happy I’m not =)

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