Monday, August 13, 2007

Acclimate or not

To adjust oneself to different conditions is called adaption. But is it always for the better? for the survival?
I have noticed a few changes in me lately. Unaware I was about these alterations until recently i found myself behaving in a way i would never have a few days back. The differences were mammoth-ous for me not to notice. Some were developments in a positive way; others were astonishingly the behavior i demur!
No I am not like any other person who gets influenced by the surroundings (Clarification: By 'surroundings' I might not be referring to my immediate surroundings, so no offense to anyone).
I have done whatever I wanted to all my life, and am not going to succumb that nature to anything. I still would do things which make me happy; whatever the repercussions; whatever the acknowledgment!
No! Adaption is not always for the betterment; it is wholesome only when it is well thought of. And as far as survival is concerned... that is definitely not the need of the hour in my life these days (So the chances of changes 'cos of that are ruled out).
I know tomorrow morning when I wake up it will be the uninflected me, but that is what I pray to God tonight. I would be more independent and invulnerable to the rest of the world then.

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