Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Clearly Confused!

As I sit in my room after a long day (take note, a long day not a long tiring day), I see a couple of options in front of me:
1. DON'T BE A LAZY BUM and get your ass out of the room and do something consructive (something that does not involve money; which eliminates 90% ideas). Anyway, playing badminton or gyming before stretching (so my stiffness can go away before friday) seems like a perfect plan (BUT it involves forgoing my second option).
2. RELAC LAH! Attended classes. Bought notes. Attempted to creat a funky camera using Solidworks. You need a break before you can start studying (or start watching a movie). Take a nap which according to some is just wasting time but I think there's nothing more constructive than sleeping (ahem, at least when your brain REALLY needs it).
3. GO OUT! Socializing is not non-constructive now?!? Ah, well it involves money then! Sigh!
4. STUDY...ummm...umm..umm...well...from tomorrow! Pucca se!

I so wanna stick with number 2 but I think for a change I'll go with the first one (Yes, I realised I need to shed some Kgs!)

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