Friday, May 4, 2007

Short Entries?!

Someone said to me “You should write short entries in your blog”. I ask ‘why’.

What are blogs actually for? When I started blogging, I thought I am using some space on the internet to express my views, my thoughts, my experiences; express them to no one but myself. No, I am not claiming that I wished nobody would know about my ‘little secret’, all I’m saying is that I do not expect people to read my blog as an ‘entry’ but as my view, thought or experience. Now, is there any limit for that? Should I not enunciate what I want to thoroughly instead of making it brief so that people will find it interesting to read? Sounds strange to me; as I said earlier I thought blogs were for one’s own self.

Anyway, If writing short entries is the norm then I shall play by the rules. I am not much of a rebel when it comes to matters as trivial as pleasing other people at the cost of almost nothing. But, if and whenever I have something big in my mind I will not be scared to be an insurgent because I still believe that blogs are for one’s own self.

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